Sunday, October 18, 2009

Invention of..

You getup in the morning and all-set to start your week, you go to office, when you hear you would probably be fired. And it’s just a matter of getting the official confirmation from upper-management - which may happen in a day or next. Painfull part is this news is known to everybody in the office - your peer, your secretary, admin and who not. To add a twist to this lets say you too were already fearing it may happen and was just wanting something miracle to happen that could stop this.

Sad news always happens in a bunch..

The last night you had a date with your potential-fiancée, who not only thinks you are un-attractive loser but also said that on your face. And while leaving she said this would be the last date with you and she would never - ever date with a person like you.This shame happened when you ask her number for 'future correspondence'

Back to the office - your secretary is saying you don’t have any messages today and she isn’t going to bother for any, since she, as everybody in the office knew that this would be your last day or the day before that.

You say, But 'am still not fired' so can you get message for which
she says "In any case you will not get message because people who would call you knew that you would be fired and hence cannot hear back from you and hence they wouldn't call you in the first place. so no worry of collecting messages for you" So logical isn't it.

Needless to tell how you feel. This is what happens if some genius in the world has not invented the thing called 'lying', yet!!. The whole world is blatantly truth full and honest.This is the plot of the movie 'The invention of Lying..'. I thorougly enjoyed the movie but with some slow and dull and some maturing moments. but overall it’s very good.

I hate watching movies alone. But given a choice of sitting idle on a weekend and starring at the window and refreshing the orkut page, its better to watch a movie alone even my friend is not so caring about a movie.I checked with ashu and is not so interested in I started alone.Its not so difficult to find theatres(Regal cinemas) considering my directional skills I would give a rating E(xceeded expectation) to myself!!...What you have read is the plot of the movie

My favorite part of the movie is when Ricky cryingly boosts the morale of her dying mother in the her death bed. The doctor had already made every attempt to fear her about the death by telling all and only the truth about her decease and its final stage. It’s just a simple lie he tells that when you die you go to the wonderful place. No pain,no frustration. After death you will be with the people who you like the most, you go to the place which you wanted to live for ever. and so froth could draw some parallels towards Munnabhai's. Latter aspect of using the same concept to explain about 'the man in the sky' is slightly boring..

Overall a feel good movie and you can watch it for "Ricky Gervais". This is the first time am watching him. I saw "ghost town" briefly. This guy seems to be very good..need to watch a more of his..

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